The University of Southampton

Centre for Cancer Immunology: One year on

One of our University’s greatest assets is its people. At an event last week to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the Centre for Cancer Immunology, we announced the launch of the Cancer Immunology Talent Fund to provide essential investment in our students and academic researchers.

centre for cancer immunology university of southampton

The campaign for the Centre for Cancer Immunology was never just about the bricks and mortar. It is the talent who will deliver the breakthroughs we so desperately need to find a cure for cancer.

At the event, we shared the below video which focuses on the progress we’ve made one year on and highlights the hope that immunotherapy provides for cancer patients.

The Cancer Immunology Talent Fund will establish the nation’s first PhD programme in Cancer Immunology, the recruitment of world-class talent, and a new Innovation Residency Programme to bring researchers from across our University into the new Centre.

Jacek Brodski is a Professor of Pure Mathematics, and is the first participant on the Residency Programme.

Professor Brodski commented:

“Cancer immunology experiments create vast amounts of complex and multidimensional data. Topological data analysis has been created to answer this challenge. The Innovation Residency Programme offers direct access to the cutting-edge experiments, and shortens considerably the learning cycle.”

We extend a huge thank you to all of our donors and supporters for your generosity.

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