The University of Southampton

Out and about with the VC: photos from Estates and Facilities

Our President and Vice-Chancellor (Interim) Professor Mark Spearing recently visited a number of areas across Estates and Facilities, meeting with colleagues and finding out more about the key work they do for our University community.

An aerial view of the Highfield Campus

Mark met with colleagues from a number of teams and services, including: Catering colleagues; Electricians; members of Post and Portering; some of our Landscape Gardeners; colleagues from Conferencing, Events and Hospitality; Chefs and kitchen staff.

“The sheer passion and dedication of our staff never ceases to amaze me,” Mark commented. “During my Estates and Facilities visit, I met colleagues from such diverse areas and services, all of which are integral to the day-to-day running of our University.

“Hearing people’s stories is fascinating: you learn things you never would have guessed. For example, it takes at least six weeks for colleagues from our Blue Room fine dining venue to develop and approve a new recipe for their menu, with the dish only being included once the whole team is in agreement.

“I also met a number of staff who have been with the University for some impressively long periods of time – 20 and even 30 years! I am particularly impressed by their commitment and loyalty, and also the amount of change that they have witnessed in the University during their time with us.”

Did you know:

  • More than 800 staff work across Estates and Facilities – that’s over 11 per cent of our total body of staff.
  • Last year, just under 1 million letters were processed by our Postal Team.
  • Catering staff (such as our colleagues in the Piazza) regularly receive thank you cards from our students.
  • As a keen gardener himself, Mark has a huge appreciation for the amazing work our Grounds Team does to keep our campuses looking beautiful in every season.

Read the first post in our ‘Out and about’ series here.

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