The University of Southampton

Password reset required for all staff with Banner access

iSolutions has recently been made aware of a serious data breach at Lancaster University, involving their prospective student applicant database. The press release can be found here.

As a result of this data breach and as a precautionary measure, taking into account the way in which the data was obtained from Lancaster – using compromised staff login accounts, iSolutions has requested that all staff with login access to Banner change their University account password as soon as possible.

This request was made via an email sent to all affected staff on 22 July 2019 from the iSolutions Information Security team ([email protected]). As well as requesting that affected staff change their passwords urgently, the email also notified them that any accounts that hadn’t done so would have their password reset automatically at 12:00 (midday) on Tuesday 23 July 2019.

Please be assured that this email is legitimate, and was sent from members of iSolution’s Information Security team.

If you require further information, please contact iSolutions.

For further information on changing your password, please refer to our ServiceNow KnowledgeBase article:

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