The University of Southampton

Honorary Degrees/Fellow of the University: an invitation to nominate

Students and colleagues are invited to submit nominations for the award of an honorary degree and Fellow of the University.

The deadline for receipt of nominations is Monday 16 September. Applications will then be sent to the appropriate Faculty for endorsement, before consideration by the Honorary Degree Advisory Group. The President and Vice-Chancellor will then present the recommendations to Senate and to Council for approval.

When making recommendations to Senate and Council, the Honorary Degree Advisory Group will take into account the following considerations:

Honorary degrees

  1. Recognition of an individual’s intellectual, creative and/or academic achievement.
  2. The recognition will be evidenced by international, or at the least national, distinction in the nominee’s field.
  3. Evidence of a direct link to the University of Southampton or to the City of Southampton.

Fellow of the University

This award is intended to reward those who have an established connection with the University. Potential Fellows of the University of Southampton will:

  • Support the interests and welfare of the University of Southampton or of a particular part of the University’s activities.
  • Foster the links between the University and other institutions within and without the United Kingdom.

You can see further information and access the nomination form on the Honorary degrees/Fellow SharePoint site. Your nomination must show evidence of links with the University.

Please submit your nomination form to Rosanna Newey in the Governance Office:

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