The University of Southampton

Brexit preparations – a message from Ian Dunn

Dear Colleagues,

The UK is due to leave the European Union (EU) at 23:00 on Friday 31 October 2019.

In my previous message to staff and students, I informed you of an extensive internal advisory group that I set up, involving representation from across our University. The group’s work is ongoing, and progress has been made toward the creation of an overarching risk register for our University.

As the UK approaches the 31 October deadline, it remains uncertain whether or not a deal will be agreed. To ensure that as an institution we are prepared, regardless of the outcome of the UK Government’s ongoing discussions, I’m asking you and your teams to familiarise yourselves with the business continuity plans for your respective areas, and to identify any actions that might be required. Both our longer term planning and ‘no deal’ planning activities have been pulled together into one team chaired by Keith Johnstone – with representation from all faculties and professional services. Please however continue to forward any questions or concerns to your manager or team leader direct. You can also contact me via email.

As the situation in the UK regarding Brexit continues to develop, I will keep staff and students updated as needed.

Ian Dunn

Chief Operating Officer

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