The University of Southampton

Reminder: Benita Matofska talk on Sharing Economy Monday 4 November

Staff and students are invited to a talk by Benita Matofska, author of game-changing book, Generation Share on Monday 4 November 2019, from 18:30 20:30 in Room 1015, Building 32 (EEE Building), Highfield Campus. You can register here.

There will also be an opportunity to take part in a sharing initiative if you wish.

Denise Baden, Professor of Sustainable Business at the Southampton Business School says:

“I think that shifting from an ownership culture to an access culture is the most essential shift we need to make to enable a truly sustainable society, so that everyone can have access to what they need without over burdening our planetary resources.”

University Sustainability Manager, Nicola Turvey says:

“We’ve organised this to raise awareness of the rising global profile, and accessible possibilities, of sharing economies. This business model can lead to many positives, from reducing finite material demand, increasing accessibility, through to improving wellbeing within communities.

We need to start thinking smarter about how we access products required to make our life easier, healthier and happier and one real sustainable solution is through sharing platforms. With thanks to the Southampton Business School (SBS) and Public Engagement and Research Unit (PERu) for sponsoring this event, both have been fundamental in making this event happen.”

Benita Matofska is an award-winning social entrepreneur who created the charity The People Who Share and Global Sharing Week.

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