The University of Southampton

Software Carpentry workshop

The Southampton Research Software Group is running a two-day hands-on Software Carpentry workshop on Monday 16 and Tuesday 17 December, covering basic concepts and tools for writing scientific software. You can sign up here.

Software Carpentry’s mission is to help researchers get more done in less time and with less hassle by teaching them basic skills for scientific computing. This workshop will include how to use the command-line, how to build and design programmes in Python, and how to manage the development of your code with version control in Git – everything a new PhD student or early-career researcher needs to get started.

The course is aimed at postgraduate students and postdoctoral scientists who are familiar with basic programming concepts (like loops and arrays) and would like to learn best practice techniques and tools to develop their software more effectively and productively.

To sign up visit, or if you’d like more information on training or software development services please email the Research Software Group.


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