The University of Southampton

Student Diversity survey: applying for Race Equality Charter accreditation

The Student Diversity survey launches today, 27 November, and will close on Thursday 2 January 2020.

Students will be emailed a unique link from the University via [email protected] inviting them to take part in the Student Diversity survey, focusing on ethnicity.

The survey aims to capture the experience and opinions of students in relation to their ethnicity. This survey forms an important part of ongoing work as part of our submission for an institutional Race Equality Charter (REC) accreditation. This follows on from a similar staff survey earlier this year.

The University signed the REC in February 2018, demonstrating our commitment to addressing racial inequalities within the higher education sector.

Professor Bashir Al-Hashimi, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences and Chair of the University’s Race Equality Charter Working Group, commented:

“As a University community, we are committed to creating an environment where students and staff can realise their potential, regardless of their ethnicity, race or nationality. It is encouraging that the University is taking steps to ensure that it is a diverse and inclusive community, building a culturally sensitive environment for work and study, cultivating our values of tolerance and compassion.

This proactive approach to identifying potential inequalities will enable us to seek to address any issues in clear and concrete ways. Applying for the Race Equality Charter accreditation provides a powerful framework to facilitate further progress in the area of equality and inclusion.”

Results of the survey will enable the University to identify potential inequalities and obstacles, with responses informing future action plans, with the aim to improve the University’s working environment.

Visit the REC SharePoint for FAQs, or for more information about this survey, please email the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team: [email protected] or visit the team’s website.

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