The University of Southampton

Reminder: complete the Student Diversity survey

The Student Diversity survey launched on Wednesday 27 November, and will close on Thursday 2 January 2020.

A unique link from the University via [email protected] was emailed to you inviting you to take part in the Student Diversity survey, focusing on ethnicity.

If you are unable to use your unique link, you can also complete the survey here.

The survey aims to capture your experience and opinions of the University and will be used to identify differences in the responses from students by race, ethnicity and nationality. The results will inform our ongoing work to submit for an institutional Race Equality Charter (REC) award. This follows on from a similar staff survey earlier this year.

Results of the survey will enable the University to identify potential inequalities and obstacles, with responses informing future action plans, with the aim to improve the University’s working environment.

Visit the REC SharePoint for FAQs, or for more information about this survey, please email the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team: [email protected] or visit the team’s website.

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