The University of Southampton

Ruby Wax officially installed as Chancellor

Ruby Wax thanked our University for ‘the great honour’ of becoming our 8th Chancellor during her formal installation ceremony last Tuesday 10 December.

The American actor, author and leading mental health campaigner was formally presented during winter graduation ceremonies involving degree recipients of the Winchester School of Art (WSA).

As Chancellor, Ruby will play a leading ambassadorial role for our University through activities linked to our corporate strategy. She will also preside over graduation ceremonies and play an active role in other aspects of our University’s development.

During a poignant and candid address, Ruby said that becoming Chancellor was something of a surprise, especially as she hadn’t taken full advantage of her early school years.

She also announced that we will be the first ever university to host the successful Frazzled Cafe which she founded and created. Frazzled Cafe provides facilitated peer support meetings in relaxed environments, such as cafes, where people can share their personal stories in a safe, confidential and non-judgemental environment – a space where, in Ruby’s words, “it’s ok, to not be ok.”

“I’m so honoured and dare I say it, surprised to become the Chancellor of the University of Southampton. If you had asked me as a child if this was even possible, I’d laugh in your face, as would my parents,” she said. “As a young student, academic intelligence wasn’t my forte. Canoeing yes, academia no. I wouldn’t have even gotten into Southampton when I was young…. so miracles really do happen.”

Read our full news story here which includes a YouTube link to Ruby’s full installation address.

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