The University of Southampton

Website updates: support for students with disabilities

Enabling Services are pleased to announce that the disability section of their website is now more accessible and easier to navigate.

There are now four main areas as below:

Within each of these sections you will find the following information:

How to access support:

Types of support:

  • Additional Exam Recommendations (AERs) – Information and frequently asked questions, relating to AERs (such as extra time, rest breaks and/or smaller exam rooms)
  • Assistive Technology – An overview of the assistive technology software available at the University
  • Accommodation Adaptations – Guidance on how we can support disabled students in accessing the University’s specially adapted student accommodation
  • Inclusive Learning Volunteers – An overview of the Enabling Services’ peer support programme
  • Learning Support – Information about the assistance provided by Enabling Services’ learning support team
  • Mentoring – Guidance on how we can assist students in accessing mentoring support

Disabled Students Allowance (DSA):

Information about the DSA including eligibility, next steps and advice for international students.

Information for staff:

Guidance on Student Support Recommendations, as well as an overview of the Student Support Review and Return to Study processes.

If you have a question or would like to find out more about the disability support provided by Enabling Services, please contact Enabling Services on 02380 597 726 or via email: [email protected]

Enabling Services provides a wide variety of support for students with disabilities, including long-term health conditions, specific learning difficulties, and mental health conditions.

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