The University of Southampton

Professor Harry Bryden appointed Regius Professor of Ocean Sciences

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Professor Harry Bryden, FRS, as Regius Professor in Ocean Sciences.

The prestigious Regius Professorship was bestowed on the University by Her Majesty the Queen in recognition of Southampton’s international leadership in ocean science and maritime systems. We also host the Regius Professor of Computer Science, held by Professor Dame Wendy Hall.

Throughout his distinguished career, Professor Bryden is, perhaps, best known for his pioneering work in ocean circulation and advancing our knowledge of the role of the ocean in the Earth’s climate.

“I am deeply honoured to have been appointed Regius Professor, giving me the opportunity to further build Southampton’s international profile and potential in Ocean Sciences,” said Professor Bryden who has also supported the University philanthropically for many years.

Professor Rachel Mills, Dean of Environmental and Life Sciences, said: “Our award of the Regius Professorship of Ocean Sciences is fitting recognition of our global profile in this area. We look forward to celebrating Harry’s appointment with the wider oceanographic community in the months ahead.”

Professor Paul Wilson, Head of Palaeoceanography and Paleoclimate Research Group and Chair of the Regius Professor search panel added: “No-one embodies the Regius profile better than ocean physicist and avid Saints’ fan, Harry Bryden, FRS. He has pioneered our understanding of what makes the ocean tick. Thanks to him we have a much better idea of the way it circulates, the way it moves heat around on our planet and the consequences for our climate.”

Professor Mark E. Smith, our President and Vice-Chancellor, offered his congratulations: “Today we celebrate Harry’s appointment and I look forward to working with him to mobilise our research power to confront the extraordinary scientific and societal environmental challenges that lie ahead.”

Read our full story here.

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