The University of Southampton

Enabling Services Support

Please be reassured that, even during this period where the University is functioning remotely, support services are still available to students for mental health and wellbeing, disability, and Specific Learning Difficulties.

Students can contact Enabling Services in the usual way via [email protected].

Students facing significant difficulties or dealing with a crisis, should email [email protected].

The phone lines for these services are not currently being monitored.

Enabling Services have created some pages to help you cope with studying remotely and looking after your wellbeing. They can be found here.

Appointment-based services offered remotely 

  • Student Support Appointments – Disability or Specific Learning Difficulties
  • Specialist Study Skills appointments
  • First Support appointments
  • Counselling appointments

All of our appointment-based services are continuing to offer student appointments via telephone, Microsoft Teams video call, or email (counselling). Student who may have an SpLD can continue to access specialist study skills support through Enabling Services.

Appointments are being offered between 9:00 – 17:00 during weekdays, based on practitioner and student availability. Students should contact [email protected] to arrange an appointment. Students will be sent guidance on how to prepare for their appointment in advance.

Supporting Disabled students in their remote learning

Enabling Services is working closely with students to ensure that reasonable adjustments, including learning support, are accessible in a remote learning setting. Enabling Services is:

  • Reviewing Additional Exam Recommendations (AERs) for remote assessment and preparing guidance for students.
  • Contacting all students in receipt of learning support (e.g. note-taking), to discuss their individual support needs for remote learning.
  • Working with iSolutions to assess which assistive technologies available on campus can be accessed remotely.
  • Producing guidance on remote learning for students with SpLDs and disabilities.

Mentoring providers and Disabled Students Allowance (DSA) funded providers are offering their services remotely where feasible; students should contact their support providers directly in the first instance but can contact [email protected] if they need support with this.

If you have any questions please get in touch with Enabling Services or First Support via email.

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