The University of Southampton

Southampton joins Climate Alliance of leading universities

Our University’s commitment to accelerating global action on climate change has been confirmed after becoming a founding member of a new International Universities Climate Alliance to help communicate research insights on the most effective means to meet the unprecedented global challenge of climate change.

Founded and facilitated by UNSW Sydney in Australia, the Climate Alliance involves 40 of the world’s leading climate research universities invited to work together to identify the most effective ways to communicate research-based facts related to climate change to the public. Members, including a significant number of Southampton’s own international strategic partners, will engage in work across climate change science, impact, mitigation strategies and adaptation.

Professor Mark E Smith, our President and Vice-Chancellor, said: “The University of Southampton is recognised as an important global contributor into the research underpinning climate change and evidence as to how we should modify the way we live. It was great to be asked to be part of such a powerful consortium of universities across the world.”

Professor Rachel Mills, our Dean of Environmental and Life Sciences, added: “As the University’s Sustainability Champion, I am proud to represent us in this new Alliance. We will be drawing on the expertise, creativity and passion of our staff and students right the way across the Institution to collectively address this urgent priority for global society.”

More information can be found on the International Universities Climate Alliance website.  

Read our full story here.

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