The University of Southampton

COVID-19 update: on a future return to campus

The future relaxation of lockdown restrictions within the UK has been discussed at length by the media over the past week. However, in the context of various key sources including the Prime Minister’s remarks from Monday 27 April, it’s safe to assume that any easing of lockdown restrictions is not imminent, and that future changes to restrictions, however small, will be carefully planned and introduced in a piecemeal fashion.

This suggests that for our University community – students, staff and visitors – a general return to campus will not be possible for some considerable time. It’s important that we all manage our expectations around a return to “normal life”, and keep in mind the reasoning behind the continued need for only those members of staff with essential worker permits (authorised by a PSL Director or Dean) to attend any of our campus buildings.

As an institution, the key principle governing our current decisions and those ahead, is the continuing safety and wellbeing of our staff and students. We share the country’s priorities both for the ongoing lockdown, and for as gradual an easing of restrictions as is needed, to prevent the rate of COVID-19 infections from rising again and potentially overwhelming the NHS. Of course we want to bring our campuses back to life as places to work, research and study. This will only be possible once we are confident it can be done safely.

UEB has commissioned executive-led groups to determine how we might gradually make our buildings safe for the return of staff and students, while ensuring strict social distancing and surface disinfecting. This will involve reviewing the physical aspects of building operation, room configuration, patterns of work, travel arrangements and more.

We will review the situation and the prevailing Government advice on 1 June (this is to give time to prepare, and anticipates that the Government would give notice of changes to lockdown arrangements) and on a two-weekly basis thereafter, unless the Government advises otherwise.

When we are able to allow a return to work on campus – with full risk assessments in place for each building – it will be very carefully controlled. We are likely to prioritise those for whom campus-based work is essential, those who work in areas with a limited number of users (e.g. research laboratories), and those who for some reason, may be unable effectively to work from home.

This will mean that home working could continue for many colleagues for an extended period ahead. Because of this, we are also considering what additional measures, resources and training may be beneficial to support working effectively and healthily from a home environment, for a longer period to come.

For questions, concerns or for general support, staff should contact their line manager in the first instance and ensure they access the latest advice and guidance on the University’s dedicated COVID-19 webpage; students should contact the Student Life team and access the information provided on the COVID-19 webpage.

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