The University of Southampton

The Portal – Social Impact Lab conversation series

If we are facing a new normal after the coronavirus quarantine starts to ease, what should that normal be?

The Portal is a new conversation series hosted by the University’s Social Impact Lab. Based on Arundhati Roy’s idea of pandemics as portals, we discuss which beliefs, practices and institutions should be left in the pre-coronavirus world, and which should be taken through. What new ways of being and doing have emerged during lockdown that we want to take with us?

Our conversations will range from the way we experience time to the future of education, questions of ownership, and the purpose of business in a post-pandemic world. We’ll be inviting artists, writers, scientists, activists and entrepreneurs on to the show to share their thoughts with us.

Our first conversation will be with the writer Nazneen Ahmed, who has written a piece about her experience of time in lockdown.

Join us at 17:00 every Tuesday starting today – as we try to make sense of and shape the new normal and reimagine the world anew.

Click on this link to be taken to today’s event.

Check out Nazneen’s piece in the link below:

You’ll find the series on our Facebook page by searching University of Southampton Social Impact Lab.








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