The University of Southampton

iSolutions restructure announcement

From: Mal Allerton, Executive Director iSolutions

Following our previous communications regarding the iSolutions organisational changes, I can confirm that today we reach the milestone of going live with our new organisation structure. This follows a period of consultation with our staff and Trade Unions, and approval from Council and UEB.

This new structure will ensure that iSolutions is focused on key, University-wide priorities and enhancing the strategic value that it provides through partnership working with faculties and other University departments. It will enable alignment of all IT initiatives to the University’s strategic plan and core business needs.

An aerial view of the Highfield Campus

Key features of the new iSolutions structure are:

  • Teams aligned by service to work in partnership with Faculty Research & Enterprise, Education and Business areas. These teams will partner with their respective areas of focus to coordinate, support and develop applications and provide an enhanced customer experience
  • New management structure enabling enhanced leadership for the department ​and increased engagement across the University
  • Dedicated specialist roles managing: ​
    • Cyber and Information Security which will establish procedures and provide expertise and advice to the organisation.
    • All IT supplier relationships and performance​
    • All internal and external IT communications and engagement activity
  • Business Performance Management & Continuous Improvement Group will enable greater provision of specialist services focused on identifying, understanding, monitoring and managing business issues and performance whilst ensuring best practice and continuous improvement across the iSolutions department

Although the new structure goes live today, there will be a 12-week transition period whilst new ways of working are established, and handover of accountabilities take place. As part of this transition, teams will be engaging with key stakeholders across the university. We will be working hard to ensure there is minimal impact on our customers. I would ask all departments and faculties to lend their support to this change whilst the new structure and ways of working are being established.

I would like to thank everyone for their continued support in getting to this point of “go live” and whilst we transition. We will continue to engage with you through our usual staff and student channels throughout this process.

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