The University of Southampton

Partial re-opening of University labs approved

From: Richard Middleton, Interim Chief Operating Officer

Dear Colleagues

I promised to provide an update to staff in early June on our plans for returning to work.

A technician working with a microscope

I’m delighted to report that, led by Professor Michael Butler and with wide consultation of colleagues including our campus trade unions, we have published our principles and guidance for the Partial re-opening of laboratories for research and enterprise activities.

Aligned to Government guidance, encouraging laboratory-based research to be resumed in a safe manner, the partial re-opening of laboratories is good news for our research and enterprise activities that have been impacted by the campus shutdown. It also means PGR students can continue their studies, and it is positive for many Enterprise Units and start-ups, who are dependent on University laboratory access.

The safety and wellbeing of our staff and students is our utmost priority, and Government advice continues to be that those who can work from home should continue to do so. The focus of this guidance is on those staff who are required to be on campus because of the nature of their role and the steps that need to be taken to ensure that this can be managed safely and effectively.

There are a number of steps including risk assessments and formal approvals by Deans and myself to be achieved before any laboratory space can be safely re-opened and colleagues can be allowed on campus. These are detailed in this guidance document. Associate Deans Research and Enterprise, Heads of School and laboratory staff will now work closely together to develop plans for re-opening.

The majority of us will continue to work from home, though some colleagues may need to return to campus to work in non-laboratory spaces. For these environments we have been creating a specific set of principles and guidance, through consultation with managers and trade unions, to ensure they are both relevant and aligned. I’m pleased to say these are now in their final stages and will be available shortly. Guidance on the partial re-opening of non-laboratory working spaces will be released in another week, followed the week after by guidance on working from home. In the meantime, I have been dealing with very exceptional requests for limited access to campus for activities such as the running of the iSolutions Stores and the printing of degree certificates.

I would like to thank all of our colleagues who are continuing to maintain the infrastructure and security of the University’s campuses – they have continued to work on campus throughout the lockdown. Our campuses are inherently safe places, it will be people, like us, that bring the virus into that environment. To Stay Safe we must respect our colleagues, remain vigilant in our social distancing, follow the guidance to regularly wash hands and wear protective equipment where required.

These continue to be uncertain and challenging times and your patience, as we work our way through the complexity and try to provide certainty, is truly appreciated.

With best wishes


Richard Middleton (Interim Chief Operating Officer)

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