The University of Southampton

Partial re-opening of non-laboratory workspaces and communal facilities

*A message from Richard Middleton, Chief Operating Officer (Interim)*

An aerial view of the Highfield Campus

Dear Colleagues

On Monday 1 June, I announced the approval and publication of principles and guidance for the partial re-opening of laboratories. This is the first of three projects aimed at supporting senior colleagues as they plan for a gradual return to our campuses.

I’m now pleased to tell you that the second part of this initiative, which concerns the partial re-opening of non-laboratory workspaces and communal facilities, has been approved by Gold Command. Consultation with the campus trades unions on this guidance was completed on 8 June. You can read the full paper on the Health, Safety and Risk website.

By non-laboratory workspaces and communal facilities, we are referring to the broad range of University workspaces and areas that support our academic activities and cannot take place at home. A full definition can be found in the paper.

The principles apply to all University staff and students working on-site, whether managed by us or others, and to non-University staff working in spaces managed by the University (e.g. spinouts, contractors).

I’ve asked Directors of Service and Deans of Faculty to work with their staff, as well as Estates & Facilities and Health & Safety advisers, to produce business plans for the re-opening of workspaces, as well as the necessary control measures and access arrangements needed to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our people.

The health and safety of our staff and students continues to be our top priority and our guidance is consistent with the UK Government guidelines for working safely in various work environments. In some cases, our principles may be stricter to ensure the safety of staff, students and the wider community.

Returning to our campuses is a complex operation and can only be done on a gradual basis. I would urge any staff or students who are concerned about the safety of their work environment, to speak to their line manager.

Thank you for your continued support during these challenging times.

Richard Middleton

Chief Operating Officer (Interim)

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