The University of Southampton

COVID-19 Reporting for Students

We have been working hard to keep our buildings and campuses safe so you can study, relax and socialise here. We all need to work as a community to keep everyone safe.

You must follow government guidelines if you become ill with COVID-19, and you must tell us you’re not well. If you are a student, you can do this by completing this form.

The University's logo outside the Mountbatten building

This form should be completed by students if:

  • You have been contacted by the NHS Track and Trace service and told to self-isolate
  • You are self-isolating; this includes if you are self-isolating because someone you live with has symptoms of COVID-19 and is awaiting a test/test result
  • You are self-isolating; this includes if you are self-isolating because someone you live with has been tested positive for COVID-19
  • You are awaiting test results because you have COVID-19 symptoms and are self-isolating
  • You need to report a positive test result for COVID-19, from the Southampton Testing Programme or NHS Track and Trace

We recognise the challenges self-isolating creates, and how very unsettling this must feel for you, and we want to reassure you that you are not alone. Once you have completed the form, you will be contacted to discuss how we can support you.

If you are not too sure on what you should do next, take a look at our handy guide on our COVID -19 webpage.

Southampton Testing Programme

You can still opt-in and register for the University’s COVID-19 testing programme, which will allow you to take a simple saliva test for coronavirus now and further tests throughout the autumn term.

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