The University of Southampton

Update on self-isolation reporting and process for students

All students are asked to complete this form to let us know when they are self-isolating.  The form is also available on Faculty Blackboard Hubs. If you receive any queries from students about who they need to inform, please direct them to the form.


Students need to self-isolate when:

  1. They have tested positive for COVID-19.
  2. They have symptoms of COVID-19 and are awaiting test results.
  3. They live with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.
  4. They have been informed that they have been in close contact with someone with has tested positive for COVID-19.
  5. They must self-isolate because of where they have travelled from.

The self-isolation period can vary depending on the reason for the self-isolation. Students and staff can find out more on our internal sites which are updated regularly by Health and Safety:

If a student has been self-isolating because of symptoms or living with someone who has symptoms, they can only stop doing so when they, and anyone they live with who displayed symptoms, have received a negative test result from the NHS.

If a student lives with someone who has tested positive, they must self-isolate even if they receive a negative result.

Students must also self-isolate if they have told to do so by NHS Test and Trace.

Support the University offers

Once the form has been submitted, students who have tested positive will receive a wellbeing call, and all students self-isolating will be asked if they would like a call.

We can offer the following support to students depending on their circumstances:

  • A voucher for a takeaway service
  • A food parcel provided by University catering
  • Entertainment support package
  • Access to laundry facilities

We will also direct them to the usual support that is available to students during their time a University. Unfortunately, the University is unable to assist with problems relating to students’ own IT hardware or software issues.  We are also unable to provide loan equipment. If a student contacts you about IT connection issues please direct them to ServiceLine

Student Offices/Graduate School Offices will contact students to ensure they are able to engage with their studies online or to put in place appropriate support if they are unable to study. This includes working with PAT’s/Supervisors to identify support that can be provided and arrange for extensions/special considerations if necessary.

Confidentiality and GDPR compliance

In line with our confidentiality agreements and GDPR compliance, please only share information on students self-isolating if it is relevant to providing academic or wellbeing support to the student.

Location of Guidance

The is a handy guide for students which sets out in more detail what they need to do if they found themselves needing to isolate and how long they need to isolate for.  We would encourage you to familiarise yourself with that information

In additional to the information on the Health, Safety and Risk SharePoint site, information about the support that is in place for students will shortly be made available on the CHEP pages. On the CHEP site you will find a link to the reporting form, the detailed process, information about the support package and other key documentation as and when it is created.

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