The University of Southampton

University signs COVID-19 Open Research Statement

The University has joined major publishers, funders and medical charities to sign the Wellcome statement on ‘Sharing research data and findings relevant to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak’.

The statement includes five principles to make research quickly and open available to the research community covering early exposure of research through pre-prints and interim data deposit, making journal papers free-to-read and pre-publication notification of research to the WHO.

“In a global pandemic it is essential we have global response. This means that we should be open and transparent about our research allowing others to test our data, highlighting results that may benefit others, and potentially reducing duplication of research efforts. By signing the statement, the university is committing to sharing our research findings and data relevant to this outbreak rapidly and openly, to inform the public health response in the UK and worldwide and help save lives. This is entirely consistent with our ongoing support for the principles of open research across all our research portfolio” said John Holloway, Associate Dean (Research), Medicine.

Mark Spearing, Vice-President, Research and Enterprise, added “It is vital that we make research results available at the earliest possible opportunity.  The University of Southampton has a fantastic track record in addressing public health issues, as well as Open Research, and has been leading in the UK in addressing many aspects of Covid-19, so the Wellcome statement is entirely consistent with our approach”

Researchers can read guidance from the Library on how to make their Covid-19 pre-prints and data available. For further support please email [email protected]

From creating innovative support technology to developing potential vaccines, University of Southampton researchers are working with the global effort to better understand and address the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Read their stories to find out more.


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