The University of Southampton

Join an interdisciplinary research workshop with our Japanese networks

As part of RENKEI, the International Office invites academics across all faculties and united by a focus on climate change to participate in a morning with eleven prestigious UK and Japanese university partners.

This RENKEI researcher workshop will be held online on Thursday 10 December, 9:00 – 11:30 GMT. It will be opened by Ken O’Flaherty, COP 26 Ambassador for Asia/Pacific and South Asia. Participants should have an interest/expertise in at least one of the subthemes of climate change listed below. The workshop will take place in English, but key documents will be translated into Japanese.

Participants in last year’s RENKEI meeting found it useful to meet social scientists, economists, engineers – and the opportunity to network with such a diverse room of researchers sparked off new collaborations.

I would highly recommend RENKEI events to other early career researchers, even those unsure of how their personal studies might fit in with such a diverse audience. […] I came away with the beginnings of an outreach idea which I have further developed back in Southampton.” Anthony (PhD Researcher in Oceanography)

To stimulate collaborative working, a grant funding award of £100,000 is to be made available for developing collaborative proposals in 2021. The December event is the precursor to a further morning meeting pencilled for mid-January where you can pitch for the £100,000 funding opportunity which will run for two years.

The workshop will focus on the six sub-themes of climate change identified by RENKEI and its objective is for the identification of new joint projects and research:

  • Low carbon societies and green infrastructure
  • Future risks and adaptation in floods and water shortage
  • Future risks and adaptation in food production and security
  • Managing future risks and building resilience in urban areas
  • Future risks and adaptation in ecosystems
  • Future risks and adaptation in human health.

Please register online using this form by 1 December 2020 (places limited to 300 across all 12 partner universities!).

For queries do email [email protected] and copy Maria Norton [email protected]

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