The University of Southampton

Applications now open for My Generation Career Coaching

Are you the first member of your family to attend university, or are you unaware if your parents participated in Higher Education? Here at the University of Southampton Careers and Employability Service we recognise your unique perspective and skills because of your background. We also believe in working to achieve fair graduate employment outcomes in the contemporary labour market.

The Careers and Employability Service has created the My Generation Career Coaching Programme to support first generation students to reach their career goals. You now can apply for a career coach, with the following benefits:

  • 12-month’s intensive careers and employability support
  • Set and achieve career goals through career-planning
  • Improve your application and interview technique
  • Make the most of work experience opportunities
  • Career coaching from qualified/experienced Career Practitioners

Applications are open to UK undergraduate students. To be eligible to apply for My Generation Career Coaching you must be the first person in your family (apart from siblings) to go to university or be unaware of whether your parents have participated in Higher Education. Benefits are:

  • 6 X 1 hour online confidential career coaching sessions over 12-months
  • On-going two-way communication via email with your career coach
  • Taking the Career-Readiness test at the beginning and end of the career coaching year.

Applications are open and you can apply here. 

Applications close on Monday 4 January.

*Places on the programme are limited. Eligible students who are not offered a place will be offered tailored access to the Careers & Employability Service.

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