The University of Southampton

Invitation to Centre for Democratic Futures’ roundtable

The Centre for Democratic Futures (CDF) is pleased to invite you to join its first event of 2021, an online roundtable at 14:00-15:30 on Wednesday 20 January to discuss Democratic Futures after the US presidential inauguration in 2021.

Speakers (pictured above left to right) include:

Will Jennings, co-author of ‘The Good Politician’ and ‘The Politics of Competence’ (Cambridge University Press) and Principal Investigator of the ESRC-funded ‘TrustGov’ project.

Celeste Montoya, Co-editor of ‘Gendered Mobilizations and Intersectional Challenges. Contemporary Social Movements in Europe and North America’ (ECPR Press 2019), and co-editor of the American Political Science Review.

Aaron Winter, Co-author of ‘Reactionary Democracy. How Racism and the populist far right became mainstream’ (Verso 2020), and Co-editor of Researching the Far Right: Theory, Method and Practice (Routledge 2020).

Register in advance using this Zoom link

The event will include presentations and a question and answer session.

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