The University of Southampton

Student Mental Health training for staff: new dates available

Following the success of the first Student Mental Health training, we are pleased to offer additional dates for student-facing staff from February through to June.

Part I  Register on Eventbrite
Part II  Register on Eventbrite

The course was co-designed by Solent Mind along with staff and student groups from our University community. It is aimed at staff who work closely with students, including senior tutors, personal academic tutors, professional services, operational and technical staff groups. It is also available to our SUSU colleagues.

The training will help you signpost to resources within our University and/or local services and national resources. It will also assist you in knowing how to set your own boundaries to help maintain your positive wellbeing.

So far over 180 members of staff have attended with a further 150 having registered. Feedback has been excellent:

“I just wanted to mention how useful I found the mental health awareness training this morning. It really made me think about my own wellbeing, as well as making sure I am looking after everyone else’s in my team.”

“Mind’s training resources are fantastic, loved the videos. I have been on other mental health training courses in the past and this was the best by miles. What you’re doing is so important and I’m so grateful”.

The course is an interactive webinar delivered in 2 parts, by Tom Cleary from Solent Mind. Each part is 90 mins long with some brief preparatory work to be completed. You are expected to complete Part 1 before moving onto Part II.

Once you sign up you will be sent a Zoom link for the event. If you have any questions about the course, email [email protected].

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