The University of Southampton

Five Ways to Wellbeing: Connect 

This month, we are focusing on one of the Five Ways to Wellbeing: Connect. Having a sense of belonging and connecting with other people is important for our wellbeing, but this can be challenging in the COVID-19 pandemic.

Loneliness is a feeling that we will all experience at one point or another – even if you are surrounded by people, it is possible to feel lonely. There are lot of ways to deal with the emotions that loneliness brings and to boost our wellbeing. Read through the NHS’s tips to manage loneliness during COVID-19.

Ways to connect with others: 

  • SUSU Buddy scheme – SUSU will aim to pair you up with someone with similar interests that you chat to and make friends with. You can join the scheme regardless of where you are currently living/based.
  • Side by Side is a supportive online community where you can share your experiences with others who understand what you are going through.
  • The Social Prescribing Service aims to work with you to find suitable activities and social support to improve your health and sense of wellness. If you have a Southampton GP, you can refer yourself via the website. If your GP is based elsewhere, they may run similar services.
  • SO: Linked run a service linking people who are affected by the coronavirus situation to voluntary organisations who provide practical and emotional support. You can find out more information and refer yourself here.

If you feel nervous about connecting with other people, you may want to try some techniques for social anxiety.

Talk to Support Services: 

It can be helpful to talk to someone about how you are feeling. The Student Life team are available to help you settle into University life and make it a positive experience for you. If you would like to talk to someone about the support that is available to you and make a short-term action plan, you can attend a Student Support Drop-in.

Further reading: 

  • The Student Space have articles about friendships and social life including, “Building a network during coronavirus”, “Addressing conflict successfully” and “Feeling lonely”.
  • Mind have lots of tips on how to manage loneliness.
  • The Mental Health Foundation have a guide on nurturing our relationships.

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