The University of Southampton

It’s National Student Money Week

Did you know this week is NASMA National Student Money Week?

This year, the theme for Money Week is #ExpectTheUnexpected. 2020 was a year of surprises, and being financially ready for anything became an important focus for many. Starting to build your financial wellbeing will help you be better equipped to deal with difficult times.

Money Week runs from the 22nd to 26th February. There are a number of ways to get involved and learn to #ExpectTheUnexpected:

1) Win £5 for 5 minutes of your time!

The Financial Support Team would like your feedback to help improve the services we offer.

Take our Money Week Survey here and be entered into a prize draw to win one of 100 £5 amazon vouchers. The survey closes on the 12th March 2021 and winners will be contacted the following week.

2) Budgeting made easy

Managing your finances at University can be tough and many have found this year particularly difficult, but luckily there are resources to help you plan ahead. Blackbullion’s Student Money Guide 2020 can help you with budgeting, living costs and debt.

You can also use their Budget Calculator tool and learn how to ‘Make budgeting work for you’ by discovering different budgeting styles and what to do if you face obstacles. You can access all of this content and much more by registering for free with Blackbullion.

3) Free e-book ‘Expect the unexpected: Financial wellbeing for uncertain times’

Download the free pocket sized e-book containing financial planning strategies on mastering your money  to help you face the future.

4) Attend online events

Complete a 3-day email learning bootcamp and be entered into a prize draw to win a £250 emergency fund pot and one-to-one sessions with independent financial advisors.

Why not join the two-part webinar series on financial wellbeing and building financial resilience on the 23rd and 25th of February? Sign up to a webinar here

5) Need some help?

Don’t forget that if you are struggling with money at the moment, help from the University of Southampton may be available. Find out about the Student Support Fund and apply via our website.

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