The University of Southampton

Members and eligible members of USS: invitation to briefing on the USS pension scheme by pensions expert, Brendan Mulkern

Briefing sessions about the USS pension scheme have been set up specifically for each of the Faculties and for Professional Services. There are also briefings for International staff and Early Career Researchers to explore pensions developments for these groups.

Please try and attend the session for your particular Faculty/Department/group. If this is not possible, you are welcome to join a session of your choice.

Highfield Campus near Health Sciences Building

The background

The Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) has been working with the scheme’s stakeholders, including the representatives of members and employers, and The Pensions Regulator, to complete the 2020 valuation.

The valuation is an assessment of the pension scheme’s financial health and is carried out once every three years. Regular updates about the progress of the valuation have been sent directly to members and eligible members by USS.

The Trustee report on the valuation has been delayed but is now expected in March. As part of our commitment to help you understand more about the developments in the pension scheme, we’ve invited Pensions Expert, Brendan Mulkern to run a series of sessions for members and eligible members.

More about the USS presentations

Brendan Mulkern will run 8 sessions, each lasting 1 hour and 30 minutes and with time for questions. Each session will be chaired by a different member of the Executive Board.

What will the USS presentations cover?

The sessions will provide an update for members and eligible members of the USS pension scheme on matters relating to their USS pension. The scheme’s trustee is undertaking a financial review – known as an actuarial valuation – of the pension scheme as at March 2020. Attendees will hear about the background to the valuation, the initial outcomes which the trustee has presented, and the potential solutions which exist for the stakeholders in responding to some of the challenges which might need to be faced. The presentation will also explain the next steps, and the overall review timeline.

Who is Brendan Mulkern?

Brendan Mulkern was the Head of Policy and External Affairs at USS until 2016 and he has a strong knowledge of USS, its stakeholders and their perspectives. More recently Brendan has been involved in providing pensions consulting support to several Higher Education bodies. Brendan has presented to members and eligible members of USS at the University of Southampton in the past. He brings a fair and balanced presentation of the facts the latest developments.

 How can I book a session?

Please choose the session for your Faculty/group and click on ‘Register’ in the table. The sessions will be held on Teams and the link is in the right-hand column. The Teams link will also be sent to those who have registered nearer the event.

Date  Time Group Chair Eventbrite link Teams link
15 Mar 14:00-15:30 Faculty of Arts and Humanities Sarah Pook, Executive Director, Finance & Planning Register Teams
22 Mar 09.00 – 10.30 Professional Services Mark Spearing, Vice-President (Research & Enterprise) Register Teams
23 Mar 12.30 – 14.00 Faculty of Medicine Shaun Williams, Executive Director, Engagement & Advancement Register Teams
24 Mar 09.00 – 10.30 International staff Shaun Williams, Executive Director, Engagement & Advancement Register Teams
25 Mar 11.00 – 12.30 Faculty of Engineering & Physical Sciences Faculty of Engineering & Physical Sciences Register Teams
12  Apr 13.30 – 15.00 Faculty of Environmental and Life Sciences Sarah Pook,

Executive Director, Finance & Planning

Register Teams
14 Apr 13.30 – 15.00 Early Career Researchers Mark Spearing,

Vice-President (Research & Enterprise)

Register Teams
15 Apr 14.00 – 15.30 Faculty of Social Sciences Anne-Marie Sitton, Executive Director of Human Resources Register Teams

You can find further information below:

USS 2020 valuation

Previous SUSSED posts on pensions


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