The University of Southampton

Five Ways to Wellbeing: Take Notice

This month, we are focusing on one of the Five Ways to Wellbeing: Take Notice – also known as Be Mindful.

Mindfulness is a skill, and like all skills, it becomes easier with practice. If you have never tried mindfulness before, it may be helpful for you to start small and practice for a few minutes and gradually increase this time. Alternatively, you could begin with one mindful activity and slowly try other activity types.

Examples of activities that you can make mindful:

  • Eating – acknowledge all the textures, tastes and smells as you eat
  • Yoga – focus on the sensations in your body as you move
  • Breathing – focus on your breath with an exercise like 7-11 breathing
  • Colouring – keep your attention on the colours on the page, without judging whether the colouring is good or bad
  • Meditation – observe your thoughts as they come to your mind, but try not to get caught up in them

Ways you can find out more about mindfulness:

  • Enabling Services’ “A check in with our busy minds” session – as well as general wellbeing tips, we’ll be looking at easy ways to be mindful every day.
  • Sport & Wellbeing’s Be Active Meditation session – Be Active aims to support you physically and mentally. Join their meditation session on University Mental Health Day!
  • Action for Happiness’ Mindfulness Made Easy webinar – this includes simple techniques for how we can make mindfulness a natural part of our lives.
  • Apps like Calm and Headspace allow you to practice mindfulness in your own time.

Read our last SUSSED post on mindfulness here.

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