The University of Southampton

A time for reflection: first anniversary of lockdown

It’s one year to the day that the UK Prime Minister announced the first national lockdown. Very few of us could have anticipated that we would, a year later, be in a third lockdown. As a community, and as individuals, we have faced many personal and professional challenges over the year. Today we’d like to take a moment to reflect on some of the great work we’ve done, our achievements, and the resilience and care for one another our community has shown.

From vaccine testing to protecting frontline medical staff, this video provides a reminder of some of the inspirational stories from last year.

Behind the headline news of COVID-related research, discover how else we are making a global impact.

Our Vice-Chancellor, Mark E. Smith reflects on the remarkable way our staff and students have risen to the challenges of the past year.

Supporting each other

Despite the fact that most of us have been cocooned in our homes, lockdown has not stopped us finding creative ways to support each other and our local communities.

Many staff have told us how they got involved with local charities, making facemasks or doing the shopping for neighbours who were isolating.

Lockdown at our University has seen a surge in online wellbeing initiatives aimed at helping each other, from virtual coffee and pub meets to advice about mental health, eating and being active. Some of our staff were even prepared to share their personal experiences of lockdown in a series of guest blogs.

It’s been an important time to celebrate our successes which we’ve done as a community on social media and in local award schemes, but also in our annual VC Awards in July – the first to be held virtually – and in our festive shout outs in December.

To our remarkable community of staff and students – thank you!

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