The University of Southampton

Last call: help identify the impact of COVID-19

A worldwide study into the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on physical and mental wellbeing, involving 200 investigators and spanning over 100 countries, needs your help.

COH-FIT logo

Professor Samuele Cortese is leading the UK section of the Collaborative Outcomes study on Health and Functioning during Infection Times (COH-FIT). This is the largest international survey for the entire population, aged six or more, of countries affected by the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), and all residents in the UK are invited to contribute.

The COH-FIT project aims to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental and physical health and to identify risk and protective factors that will inform prevention and intervention programs for the COVID-19 pandemic. The results of the project will be pivotal to designing prevention and treatment strategies should other pandemics occur in the future.

The survey is completely anonymous and takes about 30 minutes for adults and 20 for children to complete. The survey will close on 25 April 2021.

To find out more and complete the survey, visit the COH-FIT website.

Watch the video in which Professor Cortese and his collaborators explain the characteristics and importance of COH-FIT.

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