The University of Southampton

Spark India applications now open!

Applications for Spark India, hosted by the Social Impact Lab, are now open!  

Spark India is an award winning, life-changing experience that trains students to become world class social impact leaders. Throughout the 3 weeks, you will push yourself and produce innovative solutions to challenges set by our partners. 

The programme will be running online, from 7 June – 25 June 2021, all you need to do is commit to 3 hours per day. It’s completely free to take part in and a £350 bursary will be awarded to each successful applicant!  

This year, our theme is digital skills, and our partners KrantiSafeCity and Mijwan Welfare Society have set some fantastic projects. 

Kranti are looking for a team to digitise their curriculum; SafeCity have national datasets on gender-based violence to visualise; and Mijwan Welfare Society want you to help design a mobile app for rural job seekers.  

Through the programme you’ll hear from social entrepreneurs, be supported by alumni, receive free personal development workshops and mentoring.   

Previous Spark India fellows have called the experience “life-changing” and “the best experience of their university career” and 100% of them would recommend the programme to others. They have also gone on to undertake PhDs, work for management consultancies, and start their own social enterprises around the world.  

This year the programme is open to students from all year groups and all subjects.  

Head to our website to learn more and submit your application! The deadline for applications is 7 May, with virtual interviews taking place week commencing 17 May. 

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