The University of Southampton

Introducing Professor Phillip Wright, our Senior Vice-President (Academic)

Today (4 May 2021) marks Professor Phillip’s Wright’s first working day for the University, in the new role of Senior Vice-President (Academic).

In this post he will play a vital role in promoting and maintaining the University’s academic mission. Professor Wright will Chair a new Deans’ Council, have oversight of all academic planning across faculties, and ensure the alignment of resources with the University’s strategic goals. This will provide a key focus for ensuring a ‘One Southampton’ approach to a range of strategic activities including championing the development of a Digital Strategy for the University.

Phillip will also provide academic leadership on people-related issues, enable closer engagement on major academic initiatives as well as championing the University’s portfolio of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary activity. He will be the standing deputy for the Vice-Chancellor.

Phillip joins Southampton from Newcastle University where he was Pro Vice-Chancellor for the Faculty of Science, Agriculture and Engineering. He also had executive board responsibility for digital activities and chaired the Digital Campus Strategy Group.

We asked Phillip a few questions, ahead of his first day.

Q During the process of applying for the role and preparing to join us – what have been your early impressions of our University?

As an industrially-trained engineer, I’ve long been aware of how strong the engineering, maritime expertise and heritage is at Southampton. What was fascinating for me was to explore and begin to understand how strong Southampton is in many other areas, such as History, Modern Languages, Music and Cancer Immunology for example. It is clear to me that Education, Research and regional engagement all matter very much to Southampton, as does the goal of making a difference globally. In all my conversations, I’ve found everyone really friendly, helpful and engaged across all parts of the University.

Q What do you hope to achieve in this role?

Throughout my career, I have been very keen to learn from other disciplines and bring diverse people together to achieve more collectively than what would happen individually. I’m very outward looking and I always try to get a sense of what the best in the world looks like, to learn from that and bring the best elements together. At Southampton, I want to support people to help foster even greater collaboration within the University, with our external partners and community so that we can make a positive and distinctive contribution that is greater than the sum of our parts.

Q What is your proudest career achievement up to now?

My proudest moment was relaunching Chemical and Process Engineering as Chemical and Biological Engineering at The University of Sheffield. This involved winning a large award from the EPSRC, recruitment of new people, curriculum development and a large capital programme. This was the culmination of work that had started nearly a decade earlier when the EPSRC awarded me an Advanced Research Fellowship in 2001. This grant allowed me the time and funding to shift my focus and expertise from more traditional chemical engineering to working much more with life sciences. I will forever be grateful for that initial opportunity and what it allowed me to do personally and for others.

Q Tell us something about yourself that we might not be able to tell from your CV or LinkedIn profile?

I am passionate about all things related to cooking. I find cooking a great way to relax, and as an Australian, I am more than happy to fire up the BBQ, even in the snow. My bookshelf is overflowing with many different cookbooks, and naturally as an engineer, I also have all the modern kitchen gadgets. The kitchen may be a complete mess after I am finished, but you have to break a few eggs to make a great omelette!

Read the original announcement of Professor Wright’s appointment.

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