The University of Southampton

Do you host or manage online events for the University?

 If so, the University Events Network need your help.…

With virtual events firmly here to stay, this is your chance to tell us what support you need.

We need your open and honest feedback to help understand the scope of events being run across the institution. Please complete this short survey which will take no longer than eight minutes.

The results will be used to create a series of recommendations around any future events support, iSolutions supported platforms and how as an institution we take this forward.

If you would like to discuss this further, or join the Events Network please email the Engagement & Advancement Events team via [email protected]

About the Events Network

The Events Network regularly brings together employees from across the university who plan, manage and host events. Quarterly meetups include key updates, guest speakers and the sharing of best practice. The aim of the group is to provide education, support and ideas to all event professionals across the institution.

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