The University of Southampton

Updated information from Post and Portering Services

During lockdown the Post & Portering Services team updated and modified its operational information on SharePoint.

The webpages now include all the information about services available to the University community. They have also been completely re-modelled and filled with as much information as possible to support colleagues.

Please try the pages before ringing the post room as they contain a wealth of links to lists, forms, and service providers, as well as information about how the Post & Portering team can support you.

You can also now use a QR code, which you can scan to access the Post & Portering web pages.

The QR code appears in various places, including the post room access doors, sides of section vans and on equipment loaned out by Post & Portering Services. Labels have also been placed at departmental postal delivery and collection points that display both the QR code and a specific IPC (Internal Post Code) number relating to that point.

The QR code creates an access route to the Post & Portering pages by using your mobile phone. Most Apple or new Android phones can read a QR code automatically via the in-built camera but in some cases, you may need to download a QR code reader app. Once your phone has read the QR code you will need to use your University login details to access the SharePoint link to the Post & Portering Services’ web pages.

If you find anything missing that you particularly want information on then please contact Dave Caws, Post & Portering Services Manager on [email protected]. Where relevant, additional information can be added.

Post and Portering Service on SharePoint

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