The University of Southampton

Pay update: implementation of pay increases in August payroll

This month, the University will implement base pay increases to salaries of between 1.5 and 2.8 per cent, with greater uplifts applying to our lower spinal points. These increases will be effective as of 1 August 2021 and reflected in pay at the end of August. This is in addition to incremental pay progression for all eligible colleagues at Level 1-6, which will also be applied in August pay.

University of Southampton sign

This year’s base pay uplift was the subject of negotiations held between the Universities and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA) and the five sector trade unions, which include UCU, UNISON and Unite, who represent staff here at Southampton. UCU, UNISON and Unite each rejected this year’s final pay offer and entered the formal dispute resolution procedure provided by the negotiating framework, which has now concluded, without agreement.

Whilst the University recognises and respects that this is a matter of dispute for our trade unions, we have concluded that it is right and fair to start paying the base pay uplift to staff at the earliest opportunity.

In the context of the unprecedented financial turbulence faced by the sector as a consequence of the pandemic, post-Brexit changes and funding uncertainties, we believe the pay uplift carefully balances fairness with affordability and we have followed UCEA’s advice to implement the uplifts due from 1 August.

The outcome includes an increase of between 1.54 and 2.78 per cent for spinal points 8 to 21, with a 1.5 per cent increase for spinal points 22 and above. Spinal points 6 and 7 see a further increase of 0.8 and 1.8 respectively, following earlier increases in April 2021, giving a combined increase this year of 3.0 and 2.9 per cent respectively on these two spinal points.

Full details of the 2021-22 pay negotiations can be found here and updated University pay scales can be found here.

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