The University of Southampton

Applications invited for WUN Research Development Fund 2021 round

Our International Office is very pleased to announce the launch of the annual Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) Research Development Fund (RDF).

With the aim of fostering international collaborative research, the 2021 round is focused on the theme of Mobilising for a Sustainable Future. Within this theme, the areas of focus correspond to seven of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Applications may work within one, or between more than one, of these SDGs – please see the Research Networks Sharepoint page for further details.

The RDF 2021 Guidelines have been developed following consultation with the Global Challenge Steering Group Chairs Committee and the Academic Advisory Group. Reflecting the current context of the global pandemic, proposals can include expenditure on items such as access to a range of resources including online databases; general samples from panel survey companies; necessary software; and data collection. Applicants will need to be mindful of ensuring partner diversity and the fact that the requirement for matched funding has been eliminated this year too.

This annual competitive fund is aimed at bringing together researchers to undertake innovative, high quality, sustainable research that addresses global challenges. The 2021 funding comes with an internal deadline for submission of Thursday 7 October 2021. We therefore ask that you send your application, using the “Expression of Interest for WUN RDF 2021” and the “WUN RDF 2021 budget template“ available on the Research Networks page, to [email protected].

An internal panel will determine which ones will go ahead to complete the maximum of two proposals that may be submitted by each member University for the official deadline of 22 October 2021.


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