The University of Southampton

Invitation to Annual Gregory Lecture on 22 September 2021

We were saddened to hear the news of Professor Ken Gregory’s death on 23 November 2020. Since hearing this sad news, we have been taking time to come up with an appropriate way to celebrate and remember Ken and his work at Southampton, especially within the School of Geography and Environmental Science.

An annual event, the Gregory Lecture will this year celebrate and focus on Ken and his research legacy. The organisers are currently planning for a blended event, with both in person and online participation. Thematically, the event will follow a timeline of Ken’s research, with short (20 minute) reflections on his contributions, and where these have or may be developed into the future, from people who worked closely or were PhDs with Ken.

The programme for the event, which takes place on Wednesday 22 September from 14:00, can be found below:

Time Speaker  Topic
14:00 Professor Justin Sheffield Welcome
14:05 Professor David Sear Overview of Ken
14:15 Professor Des Walling Fluvial Processes and Form – hydrology and catchment studies
14:35 Professor Angela Gurnell Fluvial Processes and Form – wood in rivers
14:55 Dr Andrew Brookes Applied River Research – Human modifications to rivers and their restoration
15:15 Break
15:30 Professor Gerado Benito Global Palaeohydrology
15:50 Professor Tony Brown Palaeohydrology in the UK
16:10 Dr Pete Downs Applied River Research – River management and Physical Geography


16:30 Mix of speakers tbc PhDs and Postdocs Pop Up – How Ken Influenced us
16:50 Professor Justin Sheffield Thank you and close

The talks will be followed by a drink reception hosted by GeoData at 17:00.

To book your place, please register on Eventbrite.

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