The University of Southampton

New focus for enterprise and healthcare innovation within Faculty of Medicine

The Faculty of Medicine is establishing a new School of Healthcare Enterprise and Innovation, alongside its four existing schools.

University of Southampton sign

The new School, which was approved by University Council in July, brings together enterprise groups in the Faculty which aim to achieve maximum impact on the economy and society through significant knowledge exchange, performance and partnerships.

When the School starts, in early 2022, it will initially consist of groups within the existing Wessex Institute: the NIHR Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre (NETSCC), the Southampton Health Technology Assessment Centre (SHTAC), together with other externally contracted activities currently located within the Institute.

The Wessex Institute has been part of the University since 1995 and is a very successful enterprise unit within the Faculty of Medicine. Its current income is over £20 million per year, it employs some 270 people and it makes a major contribution to the University’s enterprise income.

Professor Diana Eccles, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, said, “I am delighted this new School is going ahead. It will maximise our enterprise potential, create a focal point for healthcare innovation, and improve the long-term sustainability of high value contracts.”

The process to recruit the new Head of School is currently underway. Expressions of interest are sought from across the University.

For more information: Overview of the new School of Healthcare Enterprise and Innovation.

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