The University of Southampton

Vulnerable Adults Guidance

As we approach the new academic year, the safety and wellbeing of the community remains our top priority. You can find all our guidance on the Health Safety and Risk SharePoint.

It is important to remember we are a community made up of individuals and individual needs, with some colleagues who may need additional support and measures to help protect them.

The Vulnerable Adults Guidance has been produced for colleagues who are more vulnerable to COVID-19 to help support them and their line managers in considering additional measures to protect their health and wellbeing.

Each individuals’ circumstances and needs will be different and we actively encourage line managers and colleagues to have open and honest conversations about any concerns colleagues may have and how best to address these.

Richard Middleton, Chief Operating Officer, said:

“Throughout the Covid pandemic we have all been navigating between our aspirations and our concerns. It’s never simple and there’s always ultimately an individual component. This is especially true for University colleagues who are vulnerable to COVID-19 infection for some reason. I urge anyone with a concern about their vulnerability and any line-manager to read and apply this guidance in the spirit of mutual care that has successfully informed our work together over the past 18 months.”

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