The University of Southampton

Super Graduation 2022

What is Super Graduation? 

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, graduation ceremonies were postponed for two consecutive years.  

Our University is committed to running in-person graduation celebrations for the affected cohorts, delivering the celebration that our graduands and their families deserve.  

Super Graduation – a larger-than-usual celebration – will take place in July 2022 and will encompass the graduating cohorts of summer and winter 2020 and 2021, as well as summer 2022.

What’s changed? 

Holding such large celebrations means there will be a number of differences when compared with our University’s previous graduation ceremonies, including the venue (St Mary’s Stadium, Southampton), duration (celebrations to be held over 3 days rather than 8), number of graduands per celebration (up to 2,000 rather than 300), and more.  

Information for staff  

Staff can find detailed information including FAQs and an illustration of the graduand journey on the dedicated Graduation Updates SharePoint site. Details on how staff can help to support graduation celebrations are also included. 

Recently launched, the site will be updated regularly as new information becomes available, and as additional queries are received from staff. 

Information for students  

The University’s Graduation website is the dedicated resource for our students, and includes student-specific FAQs as well as key contact details. 

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