The University of Southampton

Teaching and learning spaces: Tell us what you think

Dear teaching staff colleagues,

We appreciate that many of you have already returned or are returning to campus again this term after a long break.

As you return to these spaces, it’s a great opportunity for us to ask for your views on the various teaching and learning spaces as they currently stand, to understand from you what is working, what isn’t working and what we can improve. We would be very grateful for your help and support. We are also consulting students through the Course Representatives and the Library.

We have created a short survey to obtain feedback from teaching staff, participation is voluntary and should only take five minutes of your time to complete. You’ll be asked to comment on a maximum of two different types of spaces you teach in. We would value as much detail as possible in your answers so we can really pinpoint areas of both strength and weakness.

Take part in the survey:

The survey will be open up until the winter break so please do take the time to share your thoughts.

With best wishes,

The Policy & Insight team on behalf of the Learning Spaces subcommittee

Should you have any questions please contact [email protected].

The survey has received AREQA ethics approval (number 2021/249).

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