The University of Southampton

Southampton Science and Engineering Festival 2022: find out how to contribute

Staff, undergraduate students and postgraduate researchers are invited to consider their contribution to Southampton Science and Engineering Festival (SOTSEF) 2022, the University’s annual interdisciplinary STEAM festival organised by the Public Engagement with Research unit (PERu).

Timed to coincide with British Science Week, Southampton Science and Engineering Festival will run from Friday 11 to Sunday 20 March 2022, and you will be able to contribute to online activities (e.g. virtual events, downloadable resources) or with in-person events.

The University’s renowned Science and Engineering Day will also be back in Highfield and on Boldrewood Innovation Campus later in the spring, on Saturday 7 May, alongside the last Applicant Visit Day on campus. Experience the day by watching the videos from 2019.

A website is currently under development. FAQs and guidelines to prepare your submission(s) and discover opportunities for development can be explored on the UoS Festival SharePoint site or on the PERu website.

Key dates:

  • Submission ID and password will be released after 15 January 2022
  • Submission Deadline is set for Monday 7 February 2022

If you’re interested in being involved but would like help to get your idea off the ground or have any questions, you can start a conversation on the Public Engagement Network MS channel or by emailing the Festival team at [email protected]

To never miss an update, don’t forget to follow @UoSEngagement and #SOTSEF on social media.

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