The University of Southampton

Exam support checklist: all you need to know

Many students have started their exams this week and others will be starting soon. We’d like to remind you about useful resources and information to help keep you safe and ensure your assessments go smoothly on the day.

Image of a campus building through the trees

Before your exam  

  • Check and be familiar with your personalised exam timetable. 
  • Double check your timetable on the morning of your exam: if exams are cancelled due to extraordinary circumstances (for example, government advice changes, extreme weather or sudden loss of exam venues), they may be rescheduled at short notice. 
  • Look up the location of your assessment using the University map before heading out. 
  • If you’re planning to use a calculator or dictionary, make sure it meets the regulations about what you can bring into your exam

If you feel unwell or can’t attend

If you have any issues during your exam or uploading files

  • Take screenshots or photos of the error notices on your screen, and make sure they clearly show the time. Submit the evidence as soon as you can via a Special Consideration request to your School.

Help each other stay safe 

  • If you’re visiting campus: test twice a week – you can do this with lateral flow tests or through the saliva testing programme. You may also consider taking extra precaution, by additional testing, on or just before the day of your exam.
  • Don’t forget to wear a face covering indoors on our campuses, including assessment venues, unless you’re exempt. You may also consider wearing a face covering while waiting or queuing on campus outside to help protect each other. Please also be considerate of peers who are medically exempt from wearing a face covering. 
  • Be mindful of others while waiting or queuing to enter assessment venues. Don’t be tempted to crowd together and always apply social distancing measures in these spaces. 
  • We also advise washing your hands thoroughly before and after attending exams. 

Always remember the importance of Academic Integrity in all your assessments, particularly online – click this link to find out more about what this means.

For more information, visit our Exams and Assessments website and/or check the Instructions to Candidates guidance. 

Support and wellbeing 

The SUSU Advice Centre are available to help you with practical matters including academic support and questions concerning academic integrity. If you need any support with your assessments (or anything else), speak to The Student Hub – open all hours to support you with a wide variety of issues. 

We know exams can be a stressful time, so if you’re looking to unwind and take a break, find out more about our Exam Stress Awareness Week events by clicking here

We wish you all the best of luck with your exams! 

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