The University of Southampton

Modernising the Governance: project update

In September, we shared details of our Modernising the Governance project – the first major review of how our University is formally organised and managed since 2010. 

Aiming to deliver modern and accessible governance with a clear decision-making structure, the project will also produce a refreshed set of governance documentation that’s easy to find, navigate and understand. 

This Strategic Major project supports the delivery of our University’s Strategy in a number of ways: 

  • By placing people at the heart of our University governance we can better support our egalitarian values by ensuring that important governance information is made accessible and understandable to our staff and students, as well as the outside world.  
  • By streamlining and strengthening our governance, we’ll have an easily understandable framework to guide our decisions that’ll enable us to respond to change more quickly, effectively and efficiently. 

Senior Users join the Project Board 

We were delighted to welcome our new Senior Users to the Project Board earlier this month. 

Providing greater representation of and insight from our University community, the four Senior Users will bring enhanced scrutiny to board meetings, as well as a renewed focus on user requirements.  

  • Student Senior User representative: Ben Dolbear, President of SUSU 2021/22 
  • Student Senior User representative: Jim Gardner, Chief Executive SUSU 
  • Staff Senior User representative: m.c. schraefel, Professor of Electronics and Computer Science and Senate appointed Council representative 
  • Academic Senior User representative: Werner Scholtz, Head of Southampton Law School 

Progress update 

  • We’re currently engaging with our campus Trade Unions on proposed changes to the employment related Statute, Ordinance and procedures.   
  • Research around digital user experience requirements is looking to improve accessibility and navigation, making governance information easier to find, read and understand. 
  • We’re working to create a single, clear delegation framework, bringing together key information that’s currently spread across a variety of documents in various locations.  
  • We’ve drafted proposed changes to refresh and modernise the documents relating to our University’s Constitution. 

Find out more 

A dedicated Modernising the Governance SharePoint site is currently being created and will feature detailed information and FAQs. If you have questions about this project ahead of our SharePoint launch, please email: [email protected] 

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