The University of Southampton

Changes to COVID guidance

Last week the Government announced the lifting of most Plan B measures in England. We have carefully reviewed the guidance and, as outlined last week in an email from Wendy Appleby, Vice-President (Operations), we have updated our guidance for the University accordingly:

  • From Monday 31 January we are no longer requesting those staff whose role permits it to work from home. Colleagues are asked to speak with their line managers this week to agree a future working pattern that supports the needs of the University. This will mean that some staff who have been working from home will now be asked to resume their return to our campuses; this will be particularly important for those in student and staff facing roles.
  • Our approach continues to be a careful and considered one, recognising the importance of the creativity and community that we gain from in-person interactions, but also ensuring that we return to campuses in a measured way that takes into account the size of our population, as well as the desire for a hybrid work pattern where roles allow. For now, these decisions will continue to be made at a local level, to enable managers to make decisions appropriate to their area and relevant to the University’s needs.
  • All students and staff are expected to continue to wear face coverings in all taught and practical sessions and when moving around inside our campus buildings. This includes communal areas in University and halls of residence, as well as when sat in libraries and study spaces, unless an exemption applies. Teaching staff may remove face coverings should they wish to do so.

Our current guidance listed below will remain in place.

  • Those who regularly attend campus should test twice weekly, either through our saliva testing programme or lateral flow tests.
  • If you feel unwell for any reason, please do stay at home.
  • Take practical measures to maximise ventilation in spaces where mechanical ventilation is not in place.
  • We strongly encourage all our staff and students to get their vaccinations and boosters as soon as possible.
  • If you test positive for COVID-19 or need to isolate, please complete our reporting form so we can accurately track our cases and ensure we are responding accordingly.
  • Self-isolate if required – please check the NHS website for details.

A campus community approach will continue to be essential – taking care of and respecting each other, to help us all to stay well. Staff and students have done this remarkably well so far, and we are encouraging the same mutual respect and support ahead for everyone’s benefit.

With the lifting of the working from home guidance, we are now able to continue our Future Ways of Working pilots which will inform our longer-term thinking and decisions as we move towards a more hybrid approach. Visit the Future Ways of Working SharePoint to view interim guidance and resources to support hybrid working whilst the pilots are ongoing.

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].

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