The University of Southampton

Sexual Violence Awareness Week 2022: support and safety tips

This Sexual Violence Awareness Week (7-13 February), we’re adding our voice to stand with many others in saying #ItsNotOk. We want to assure you that your safety is our top priority and remind you of available support.

The image reads Report and Support on a background of photos of people

It’s happened to me, what can I do?
Sexual misconduct is any conduct that is sexual, unwanted and causes distress. If you experience any kind of unwanted behaviour,  as well as alerting the police, there are many ways to get support – please read on here. This includes using  the Report and Support tool, our specialist support service, where you can report an incident anonymously or with contact details to get the support you need.

Safety tips
We know you’re aware of safety precautions, but here’s a recap on some safety tips, whether returning from campus late at night or going out to a local venue. 

Out together, home together

  • Go out together, stick together and travel home together. If you choose to walk after dark and don’t have someone to walk with,  let a friend know the route you’ll be taking and what time you expect to arrive. Use well-lit, main roads wherever possible, and avoid shortcuts.  
  • If you see a friend in trouble on a night out, alert a member of staff or the police immediately.
  • If you’re on campus or in our Halls of Residence, you can also contact Security any time to report an incident or ask for support – their phone number is on the back of your Student ID card.

Plan your journey:

SUSU safe 

SUSU have a number of safety initiatives in place including products to help tackle drinks spiking and help you feel comfortable on a night out at their venues:

  • Drinks testing kits and attack alarms are available for free for any student to collect from the main reception in the Students’ Union, Building 42 on  Highfield Campus. 
  • Stop Topps – to use on your drinks and deter drink spiking – are available for free in all of the SUSU late-night venues including The Stag’s, and can also be collected from Building 42.  

For more safety information:

Don’t forget, the Student Hub is available to contact 24/7, 365 days a year, for any issue and to find you the support you need. 

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