The University of Southampton

Shape our strategic plans: People

Following the launch of our University Strategy in January, a suite of strategic plans is currently in development, which will underpin and ensure successful delivery of the Strategy. There will be a range of opportunities to discuss the different plans over the coming months and the approved plans will be published in the summer.

Our People Plan – Vision

We will deliver our University Strategy with a passionate and enabled world class community who strive for excellence, are highly skilled, confident, living our values and behaviours, engaged and motivated, who contribute at their highest potential to be the best that they can be, today and in the future.

Colleagues are invited to read the draft Strategic Plan – People and to use the open comment box or to email [email protected] to provide comments and ideas.

Anne-Marie Sitton, our Executive Director for Human Resources and the Owner for this plan, will also be attending local meetings over the coming weeks to discuss this draft with a range of colleagues.

To contribute to the development of this plan, colleagues are able to:

  • Complete an open comment form
  • Email [email protected]
  • Look out for invitations from your Faculty or Directorate to discuss the People Strategic Plan with Anne-Marie. These meetings will be taking place until the end of May.

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