The University of Southampton

Help your idea take off – CHEP Enhancement Funds 2022

The Centre for Higher Education Practice (CHEP) is delighted to invite applications for up to £1,500 to conduct a scholarly education or action research project that would enhance existing assessment practices or to investigate new forms of assessment or feedback.

This small seed-corn fund is intended to support delivery of the University’s Education Strategy by promoting the development, evaluation and sharing of good practices in assessment and feedback across the University.

This fund will be ideal for scholarly work that will add to the education portfolio of staff, particularly those on the education-focused pathway, but it is open to all to apply.

In addition to promoting new developments, this seed-corn fund may be used to provide a boost to work that is already at an emergent stage. Reviewers will be looking for bids which clearly indicate how the funding has the potential to expand the impact of your work, particularly within your Department or School.

Proposals must be submitted on the appropriate form and include a brief budget outline up to £1,500. Application deadline is 30 April at 17:00.

The budget should align with the financial year-end; therefore, one part of the budget should be used within this financial year (by 31 July 2022) and the remainder within the next financial year (by 31 July 2023).

Further details of the criteria can be found on CHEP’s Enhancement Fund SharePoint page with the associated form and timeline.

Should you have any questions, please email [email protected] in the first instance.

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